Thursday, October 30, 2014

Just Keep Swimming

I have been on a summer swim team for the past 11 years of my life and we live on the beach in Charleston, SC so writing about a swimming experience is quite easy for me.
I'm going to go all the way back to when I first started to learn how to swim. My family and my friend's family went camping on a lake and all the kids went swimming while the adults stayed up at the campsite. My sister, being 7 years old, swam out really far to where you cannot touch anymore. When all the kids left except me, being the curious 4 year old I always was, I wanted to go out in the water as far as my older sister, so as I walked out, there was a drop off and my head went under. I was sure I was going to drown and die, but thank God my sister's friend was watching me from the campsite. She sped down the hill and grabbed me out of the water like a guardian angel. I am so grateful that she was there and was able to save me that day.

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